Wednesday 30 November 2011

Cuba Gooding Jr. in The Hit List


"We all die with food on our plate..." *bang* *bang* "What's on yours?".  What kind of terrible tough guy saying is this?  It sounds like an advertisement for Country Time Buffet that wasn't allowed to air.  One man assault on a police office?  Yes it was Arnold Schwarzenegger in "The Terminator (1984).  No it should not have been Cuba Gooding Jr. in "The Hit List" (2011).  Entering the police station only to be confronted by your former secret government employer?  Awesome in "Rambo" (1982) and well not awesome in "The Hit List".  Also what was with all the terrible movie effects?  It reminds me of trying to include slow motion in my Grade 11 Film project.  Did someone only want to download the free trial of Final Cut Pro to make this movie?  "The trigger is like a fast forward button. I just skip to the end credits on other peoples lives, or not." Another incredible Cuba Gooding Jr.-ism.  I'm pretty sure the director heard a 12 year old say this to him while playing World of Warcraft.

The basics of this film is that a man owes money to a crime boss of sorts (also looked like a pussy, both the crime boss and the man), doesn't get a promotion and walks in on his wife cheating on him with his friend.  His desperation and sadness is barely portrayed to the audience through the terrible use of flashbacks, slow motion and a "glowing" technique similiar to that used in an afternoon soap opera's.  He gets drunk and happens to run into a professional killer who admits to killing a TV announcer who's death we learn about just moments before.  It takes about three Jack Daniel's after Cuba Gooding Jr. has already had four glasses of water, an amount similiar to what it took to get a slight buzz in grade 9.  The guy jokingly makes a list of five people he wants killed and the professional killer, being the tortured soul that he is, decides to take it on in one last F*** you to the world he for some unknown reason he despises.  Blah, blah, blah the man tries to stop him blah, blah, blah rediscovers his love for his wife whilst killing the guy that seventy-five policemen couldn't.  Now what is it that makes the final scene in this movie so terrible whilst similiar scenes in Rambo, The Terminator and Commando are awesome?

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